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  • Real Estate and Construction

    Everbright is one of the earliest domestic law firms involved in the legal service field of urban real estate development, with an excellent team of real estate lawyers. Over the past 20 years and more, Everbright has accumulated profound experience in the fields of commercial real estate, industrial parks, high-end residential buildings and serviced apartments, etc., ranking among the top in the industry in terms of business volume and service quality of real estate lawyers for many years, and has formed a well-known brand in the professional field.

  • Liquidation & Reorganization

    Everbright Law Firm has the qualification of bankruptcy administrator verified by Shanghai Higher People's Court. Everbright liquidation & reorganization team is formed by internationalized lawyers and advisers with legal, financial and operation professional background, including several having served in the four big accounting firms, international banks, consulting companies and shipping company for years, with the ability and rich experience to handle domestic and foreign bankruptcy liquidation cases, and also with good local interpersonal connections overseas, well recognized and trusted by customers.

  • Criminal Defense

    Everbright focuses on criminal legal risk prevention and resolving of business, private equity fund risk control, and internal compliance investigation of multinational companies, in the field of anti fraud investigation, it has established long-term external cooperation mechanism with a number of internal control and anti-fraud institutions, to provide customers the most professional, the forefront of anti-fraud legal information and service, involving a number of sectors such as finance, shipping, automobile manufacturing, medicine, chemical and Internet, covering duty encroachment, commercial bribery, copyright infringement and theft of trade secrets and other criminal offenses. Everbright has also successfully defended the parties involved in some major economic criminal cases in the first major economic criminal case involving letter of credit fraud of more than 100 million yuan in Beijing and Shanghai, financial bill fraud, illegal lending by securities institutions, illegally absorbing depositors' funds, suspected fund manager misappropriation of funds, and suspected illegal operation by legal representative of a medical apparatus company.

  • Anti-Fraud Investigation and Corporate Compliance

    Fraudulent practices generally refers to the act of a single or more people in management department, governance department, employees or a third party deliberately obtaining unfair or illegal interests, and damaging the interests of the company through cheating, secret stealing and other ways. From the perspective of law, Everbright lawyer helps enterprises to prevent, investigate, deal with, report and remedy employee fraudulence practices, with the purpose to help enterprises to strengthen governance and internal control, reduce risks, and regulate the duty behaviors of the management and ordinary employees. Everbright's anti-fraud investigation and corporate compliance team has established long-term external cooperation mechanism with a number of internal control and anti-fraud institutions and forums, to provide customers with the most professional and forefront anti-fraud legal information and service, involving sectors of finance, shipping, automobile manufacturing, and Internet, covering a number of criminal offences such as duty encroachment, commercial bribery, infringement of copyright, and stealing trade secrets, including quite a few cases having a considerable influence in the industry.

  • Foreign Investment

    Everbright is among the earliest law firms in Shanghai approved to act as an agent for foreign investment projects. The firm has provided legal services for the establishment of many foreign-invested enterprises and legal support for their business activities after their establishment. Main services:

  • Cultural Media, Film, TV and Entertainment

    The cultural industry legal services of Everbright have covered the major cultural industry categories such as cultural and creative industry fund, cultural and creative development, movies and TV series, copyright, online audio and video, advertising, sports, artwork auction, and creative parks. Our professional lawyer team has professional qualifications on patent, trademark and broker. Everbright, jointly with the East China University of Political Science and Law, has established the China Cultural Industry Legal Service and Research Center, for which a national level professional website has been registered. Everbright holds the cultural industry legal expert forum every year, devotes itself to the legalization process of the film and television industry, focuses on the investment and financing, legal consultants and rights and interests safeguarding in the film and television industry, and prepares to build the Shanghai cultural and creative industry mediation center. Everbright lawyers provide legal services for Kirin Pictures (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Baoying Film Co., Ltd., Orion Group (the sponsor of Busan Advertising Festival in China), Feiling Film and Television, Shanghai Zhejiang Qirun Film and Television Co., Ltd., etc.; served as the legal adviser for several story films such as Rookie and Icebreaker. In 2015, Everbright joined Shanghai Radio, Film and Television Production Industry Association and became an excellent member in 2018.

  • Capital Markets, Securities and Banking

    verbright boasts good reputation and excellent performance in legal services for companies and securities, with a stable and experienced that has the courage to take heavy tasks and make innovations, and it has scored outstanding achievements in legal service areas of initial public offerings and refinancing of stock, enterprise and company bonds issuance, M&A of listed companies, private financing of companies and other related securities trading, having won extensive, lasting and stable customer bases. Over the years, Everbright has maintained extensive contacts with the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Singapore Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange, as well as a number of internationally renowned investment banks and funds. Everbright is a member of the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors.

  • Labor Law

    Everbright has rich experience in the field of labor law, and has provided employment and dismissal, salary, labor relations, labor law related investigation, arbitration, litigation and other legal services for many large state-owned enterprises and multinational companies. Main services:

  • Dispute Resolution

    As a law firm with 20 years of practice experience, we have rich experience in dealing with disputes and helping customers in closing cases. Based on our comprehensive experience on law, business practices, and negotiation, we provide customers with professional, effective, and cost-effective solutions. We undertake a large number of complex and difficult commercial dispute cases every year, and have outstanding, leading successful experience in the legal service area to handle complex and difficult commercial disputes. This legal service covers almost all fields such as banking, securities, real estate and companies. With more than 20 years of practical experience, we have developed our unique dispute settlement procedures.

  • Intellectual Property

    Everbright intellectual property lawyer team is a leading professional team in the sector, providing one-stop services for all types of intellectual properties. The scope of business ranges from trademark, patent, copyright to domain name, appearance design, trade secrets. We provide professional services at all stages of the intellectual property life cycle. We take the intellectual property strategy as the core of service, as an important part of corporate strategy, it can help customers to create and manage intellectual property rights, protect and encourage innovation, dissolve disputes, build the core competitiveness, and gain maximum value from intellectual property portfolio; what is the most important is that, we are full of passion for intellectual property rights, and enjoy cooperation with customers also full of passion. Regardless of the industries our clients come from or their intellectual property needs -- from multinational companies that rely on our scale, quality and professional services to start-up companies that value our professionalism -- we always provide the best quality service to our clients with the highest professional quality and enthusiasm.

  • Companies and Commercial Affairs

    Company business is one of the main operations of Everbright Law Firm. During the years of serving as the permanent legal adviser to dozens of domestic large and medium-sized enterprises, listed companies and foreign-invested enterprises, the firm has formed a group of lawyers with considerable experience and forward-looking services in the field of company law.

  • Competition Law and Antitrust Law

  • Marriage and Family Affairs

    Families are the basic cells of the society, and the inheritance of happy marriage and families and family wealth is the top priority of modern families. We firmly believe that by placing marriage and family under the protection of law and letting lawyers help clients share the burden of family affairs with the law, we can make family life of our clients happier and protect their legitimate rights and interests. In order to better realize the purpose of family wealth protection and inheritance, we integrate different wealth management and service agencies with the help of a single or multiple wealth legal management tools according to the legal needs of target clients, to finally complete the service needs of clients for single or comprehensive wealth protection and inheritance.

  • Tax

    Everbright Law Firm has rich practical experience in the tax field, and is committed to helping all types of enterprises, other organizations, natural person shareholders and senior executives to make tax planning, reduce tax costs, control fiscal and tax risks, and increase the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises.

  • Maritime

    The maritime business and affair department of Everbright has gathered a group of compound lawyers with good practical experience and excellent professional quality. Maritime business affairs has always been one of the main services of Everbright Law Firm. By integrating the resources and advantages on all aspects, and after years of accumulation, Everbright has formed a professional and scaled lawyer service team in the field of maritime business affairs, and has provided customers such as domestic and foreign ship owners, ship owners mutual insurance association, shipping companies, owners of goods, freight forwarding companies, insurance companies, insurance brokers, and port operator with high-quality, professional and efficient legal service, including all kinds of maritime business litigation, maritime arbitration and maritime affairs non-litigation legal services, winning good reputation in the industry, the courts and arbitration institutions.

  • Education

  • offshore investment


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