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A partner lawyer, with master degree, serving as a practicing lawyer since 1999, and now a member of the Social Welfare and Legal Aid Research Committee of Shanghai Lawyers Association. Ms. Wu Yanhua is serious in handling cases, always maintains a rigorous practice style in the work, and has a penetrating and unique understanding of cases, often winning lawsuits by surprise. She is mainly engaged in real estate law, civil and commercial law, corporate management and financing and other non-litigation legal business, focusing on the practice and research of real estate, construction engineering, corporate structure and financing, and corporate internal management.

Some of the projects served

  • Construction contract dispute for construction project between Shanghai Zhabei Power Plant and Longyuan Construction Group Co., Ltd.
  • Construction contract dispute for construction project between Shanghai Jingdu Property Co., Ltd. and Nantong No. 5 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Sales contract dispute case between Shanghai Sanfeng Property Co., Ltd. and Shihe Industrial Company
  • Leasing contract dispute case of Hong Kong Hengli Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Poseidon Grand Hotel Co., Ltd.
  • Dispute cases of “sample house” between Shanghai Hengsheng Property Co., Ltd. and the house purchaser and of delayed house handover between Shanghai Ruijie Property Co., Ltd. and the house purchaser
  • Mitsubishi Electric and Shanghai Hengxing Electrical Co., Ltd.
  • A number of cases of Shanghai Hualun Building Materials Co., Ltd. concerning anti-unfair competition disputes
  • Participated in the Pangu Yatai Square and “Villa Rivera” project in Nanjing
  • “Xianglong Commercial Plaza” project in Wuhan Development Zone
  • Shanghai Bund International Plaza project
  • “Chunjiang Huayue Garden” residence project in Pudong New District
  • Pentagon Shimao Commercial City Project in Nanhui, Shanghai
  • Purchasing of a number of project including Shangkun Culture Square
  • Participate in the restructuring of a number of state-owned enterprises including Shanghai
  • Dongfeng Garment Factory and Shanghai Urban Transport Design Institute

List of served customers

  • Singapore Keppel Land
  • Singapore Capita Land
  • Singapore Ascott International
  • Shanghai Xincheng Investment Group Co., Ltd.
  • Shanghai Jiuyang Investment (Group) Co., Ltd.
  • Shanghai Wangxing Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd.
  • Shanghai Dili Property Co., Ltd.
  • Jinyingshen (Group) Co., Ltd.
  • Shanghai Jiajie Property Co., Ltd.
  • Schleuniger Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
  • Shiji Cetong (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
  • Zhabei Power Plant
  • Shanghai Municipal Communications, Transportation and Port Administration

Contact Me

If you have any legal problems to consult, or other business cooperation, please leave me a message, thank you!

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