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Graduated from Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, master of law. The main field of practice is civil and commercial dispute settlement, having handled a large number of contract disputes, infringement disputes and other civil and commercial litigation cases for enterprises and individuals. Since her practice, she has provided legal services for various parties, and has rich practical experience in the establishment of company rules and regulations, labor relations management, economic contract review, commercial negotiation and other aspects.

Some of the projects served

  • Group case of house leasing contract dispute
  • Unfair competition dispute of client with Eleme
  • Acted for a number of times for clients to deal with industrial and commercial reporting, exempting the clients from administrative penalty
  • Perform legitimacy review for advertisement and market publicity, to ensure that the market competition behaviors of customers are legitimate
  • Participate in state-owned enterprise organization structure restructuring and employee re-arrangement
  • Participate in enterprise economic downsizing, to avoid group crisis for enterprises

List of served customers

  • Arvato China
  • Connext
  • Chinagrand Auto
  • National Express Group
  • Keppel

Contact Me

If you have any legal problems to consult, or other business cooperation, please leave me a message, thank you!

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